"GRAVIGEM" a revolutionary HYDRO KINETIC regenerative
braking power generation system technology
Imagine a Low Cost Base-Load Renewable Energy Transforming the World!Why are we solely focused on water/wind/sun and in a few cases hydro as the main renewable energy sources?
Why not something else like gravity? There are many cases around the world where this is being used. Why not adapt it to hydro in a different way that has never been done before? Gravity is a natural source of energy that is constantly available, is easy to work with, and is available everywhere in the world! Its properties are consistent, and it can be relied upon to work anywhere in similar manner. Why not use it? Hydro does use gravity, but in a weight form. The question is, are are we using it in the most the most effective way? Is there another way? Yes! and we have found it. Kinetic energy. We can increase the power output multiple times. Could it become the new normal in the way we generate electricity. Could gravity become the new renewable energy system of the future? With the exception of very few hydroelectric plants, all of these are not constant suppliers of energy either. In addition, every renewable energy source mentioned is environmentally dependent in some way. We need something that is renewable and environmentally independent and can be used anywhere and everywhere. Gravity as a renewable energy resource can do this for us. It is almost consistent everywhere on the planet. The invention of Gravigem uses gravity as a hydro kinetic regenerative braking system with a unique specially designed turbine that operates in a totally unique novel way. It has never been done this way before. It is revolutionary. It is a game changer. It is a gem of a product. It will change the renewable energy world. Join Us! Plants varying in size form 10-5000kw can be installed everywhere. The plants will work 24/7 for 365 days a year. Maintenance requirement is low and it can usually repay itself within 3-4years and still have >50 years to run. Energy will be available everywhere. Energy poverty will be a thing of the past. Please see our Gravigem power generation page for more detail. |
"GRAVIGEM" is a Hydro Kinetic Regenerative Braking Power Generation System Amazing ! Let us dazzle you! Our revolutionary technology is a game changer and it will be in use by most of the World in the next twenty years!
Imagine a base load renewable energy system that operates 24/7 for 365 days of the year and is not environmentally dependent on anything to work! It just works and works. It needs very little maintenance, lasts >50years, pays itself off in 3-5years. In term of Capex it is less than wind or PV and in terms of LOCE it is at 0.002c/kwh ($) It comes in sizes between 10kw - 5000kw. Want one ? Contact us. |